Friday, 23 April 2010

Industry Research: 3D Architectural Visualisation

Architectural visualisation using a 3D package such as Maya or 3ds max is a means by which a 3D artist-modeller/ architect or designer demonstrates a proposed design of an architectural structure or landscape, interior space, furniture items, site plans or floor plans. The latest digital technology and techniques allow to quickly generate the most detailed, accurate and to scale results quickly. Architectural rendering allows the client to understand the layout and environment of the proposed design. 3D modelling enables both the architects/ designers and the clients to envision the design more clearly, particularly as nowadays, photo-realistic renders/images are possible to create.

Professional 3D visualisation architecture modellers use 2D plan and elevation drawings as reference and templates in order to construct accurate and to scale models of proposed building designs.

The images below were found on the internet. These are examples of 3D models of building designs.
The images above demonstrate how 3D models are constructed using the 2D plan drawings as templates/ reference.
The image above depicts real 3D models made from foam-board and card that have been made using the 2D plan drawings. There are also a few different perspectives of a virtual 3D model constructed using the 2D drawings as templates.

An occlusion render of a tower block. Occlusion renders are useful as default lighting is used to define the form of the overall structure. Basically a virtual 3D version of a real foam-board model. The virtual model however has more flexibility as it can be easily changed and fly-through or walkthrough animations are made possible to explore the entirety of the design in more detail.

A 3D model of a floor plan demonstrating layout.

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