Tuesday, 27 April 2010


Wireframe of 3D model of Hotel.
Wireframe showing detail and density of mesh. The is perhaps an easier way to model this building with half the polygons, however I believe we have done well in creating a model extremely close to the drawing that is also to scale, bearing in mind that this is the first time we have ever built a model this complex which demands accuracy.

Below is an image which shows the wireframe as well as the mesh, showing the shape of the structure.

Despite the fact that progression has been slow, the 3D model of the Hotel exterior is almost complete. The immediate hotel environment surroundings have also been constructed.

We have carried out a test render with simple preliminary lambert textures. We discovered that there was a problem rendering as the render came out completely black. We thought that it may be due to the fact that our render settings were wrong. However everything seemed to check out. We also tried adding a light. This didn't work either. We also thought that it might be due to the fact that we were rendering using mental ray. But the render still came out the same way when we rendered using Maya Software. We also tried re-saving the maya binary file on someone else's computer and then re-importing it on to our laptop. This didn't work either. We rendered a simple cube which rendered out fine, however the 3D model of the building still rendered out as a black image. We tried exporting it and rendering it on someone else's computer and it rendered out perfectly. The problem seemed to be some anomaly on Alex's version of Maya which we were unable to rectify even with assistance from various students familiar with Maya. We have decided to texture the model on Alex's computer, but render the model using my laptop.

In order to indicate scale we have included a 3D model of the human form that can be seen dotted throughout the environment. This will inform the client/ viewer of how large various elements are. In this way we can create a 3D environment which is accurate and life - like in terms of scale.

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